Live Interview with Erika Funke for Art Scene
June 2020 - WVIA ArtScene, WVIA National Public Radio (Pittston, PA, USA)
Online Interview for Poets' Pause - with Marilyn Klimko
May 2020 - Poets' Pause (Berks County, PA, USA)
Intervista con poeta Americano Craig Czury (Bi-Lingual, English & Italian)
April 2020 - Yawp Journal of Literature & Philosphy - with Antonio Merola (Rome, Italy)
Live Interview - with E.W. Conundrum (aka Lawrence Pugliese)
Sept. 2019 - RadioFree Brooklyn - Troubadours & Raconteurs (Scranton PA, USA)
(at Tartu Poetry Festival with Edward Ni)
October 2018 - Tartu Int'l Poetry Fest. (Tartu, Estonia)
Craig Czury
September 2018 - Literatura Menas (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Amerikietis Rašytojas C.Czury:
"Iki Devyniolikos Nemokėjęs Skaityti, Tapau Rašytoju“
September 2018 - Kultūra (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Interview of the Week: Craig Czury
May 2018 - Radio Tirana International (Tirana, Albania)
Poeti American Craig Czury e visitoi Universitetin e Tetovës
May 2018 - Tetova SOT (Tetova, Macedonia)
Un Poeta Americano a Soncino
May 2018 - ValleDell'Oglio Magazine (Palazzolo Sull'Oglio, Italy)
Poem Fusion - La Potente Artedi Communicare con Se Stessi
December 2017 - Crema Online
Speaking Under the Surface - Interview with Erika Funke
October 2017 - Art Scene, WVIA
Il Grido E Il Sussurro
Jan 2017 - Minerva
Road Dog for Poetry
Sept 2016 - Poets & Writers
Episode #30 - Craig Czury & Philip Levine
Sept 2016 - Poetry Spoken Here
Poet Offers Workshop & Reading
Sept 2016 - Rome Sentinel
Thought and Language: Poetry and Words.
Il festival internazionale di poesia Virgilio di Mantova
July 2016 - Versante Ripido
PA Poet Swaps Out Coal Mines for Gas Lines
June 2016 - Press Republican, Plattsburg NY
Craig Czury Inaugura il Premio Virgilio
May 2016 - Voce di Mantova
From Czury to Yevtushenko - Da Czury a Evtusenko:
Quattro Giorni con la Grande Poesia
May 2016 - Gazzetta di Mantova, Italy
Festival Internazionale di Poesia Virgilio 2016
May 2016 - Mantova Republica, Italy
Poetry of Witness
February 2016 - Misericordia University, PA
Thumb Notes Almanac - A Timely Reflection
February 2016 - Endless Mountains Magazine
Craig Czury Returns to Soncino - Il Grande Ritorno di Craig Czury
March 2015 - PrimaPagina, Italy
Meet The Author Craig Czury - Incontro con l’Autore Craig Czury
March 2015 - Turismo Soncino
A Poet's Journey - Interview with Craig Czury
January 2015 - Berks Encore News
Craig Czury Visita Soncino - Il Grande Poeta Americano Stregato dal Borgo
December 2014 - PrimaPagina, Italy
Gallery Talk - Fracking PA: Documentary Practice and Environmental Activism
November 2014 - St. Mary's College of Maryland
Revise This! Wilkes University's Creative Writing Newsletter
October 2014 - Wilkes University
The F. Lammot Belin Arts Scholarship 50th Anniversary Program
October 2014 - The Scranton Times Tribune
Pennsylvania and Chilean Writers
September 2014 - BCTV and Albright College
Presentan libro sobre escritores de Tarapacá y Pennsylvania
June 2014 - Universidad Arturo Prat del Estado de Chile
A One Hour Interview and Call-In Show with Craig Czury, Poet Laureate
April 2013 - BCTV Show, New Arts Alive
"Notes from The Marcellus Shale"
Poems of Craig Czury with the Photos of Bill Crandall
online catalog from the exhibit at St. Mary's College, MD
Fracking PA: Documentary Practice & Environmental Justice
Fall 2014, St. Mary's College, MD
Interview by WHYY's Susan Phillips for State Impact
Article and NPR Radio Interview - October 2012
Video from Central York High School, created by Lisa Sands,
about Craig's residency there working with students
April 2012, stARTSomething, York County
Here I Have A Big Voice - Central York High School
May 2009, In York
Poet-in-Residence at The Maret School
Great Photo Montage of How Czury Works in the Schools (click photo)
February 2011, Washington DC
"Digging Deeper" from Spotlight on Faculty and Student Scholarship,
Research and Creativity, 2014 - Albright College
Berks County Poet Laureate Explores Gas Drilling in the Marcellus Shale
September 2012, Reading Eagle
Hitchhiking Poet Chronicles Life in the Marcellus Shale
September 2012, Marcellus Drilling News
Aldebaran Review, Winter 2013
Rhythms & Rhymes in Downtown Reading
September 2011 - The Reading Eagle
Berks County Introduces Its Fourth Poet Laureate
November 2010 - News Not Blues
Interview by Ron Devlin of Ron Devlin's Kitchen Table
December 2010
Students in Argentina Study Poetry of Czury
April 2012, Poesia en la Escuela Escribe
Memories of 9/11 Infuse Work of Reading Poet
September 2003, Berks-Mont News
'Poet Dude' Inspires Young Writers Wynnewood Pupils to Venture Into Verse
Philly.com March 1998
Students Find A World of Poetry In Their Backyard
February 1992, The Morning Call
Area Author Selected to Serve with WritersCorps in D.C.
February 1996, Times Tribune
UNA Plaque in Shamokin Inspires Coal Region Poet (pg. 3)
January 1984, The Ukrainian Weekly