Since 1984, Craig has been traveling the globe to provide his services as a poet-in-residence, a teacher and workshop leader, a presenter of poetry readings and as a participant in international poetry festivals. Here are just a few past appearances, in addition to which he has provided countless readings and coordinated numerous public poetry events.
2022 Iquique, Chile
Fulbright Professor to Universidad Arturo Prat
2020 Tetova, North Macedonia
International Poetry Festival "Ditët e Naimet" XXIV Edition
2019 Aulla, Italy
Il Canto di Dafne - Premio Internazionale di Arte Letteraria
Lifetime Achievement Award - Premio alla Carriera, Albo d'Oro
2019 Island of Salamis - near Athens, Greece
Awarded the Alexander the Great Gold Medal for Arts & Letters
from theInternational Cultural Association "The Cafe of Ideas"
Under the Auspices of UNESCO Group of Piraeus & Islands
2019 Korçe, Albania
23rd Annual International Poetry Festival
Netët Korçare të Poezisë - The Korça Nights of Poetry
Awarded Honorary Membership in P.E.N. Albania
2018 Tartu, Estonia
Tartu International Poetry Festival
2018 Peja, Kosovo
International Literary Meetings "Azem Shkreli" 16th Edition
2016 Mantova, Italy
Festival Internazionale di Poesia Virgilio
2016 Venice, Italy
"La Palabra En El Mundo",
Festival Internazionale di Poesia, X Edizione
2014 Iquique, Chile
Universidad Arturo Prat de Estado de Chile,
Festival and Book Launch for “So Far…So Close:
Contemporary Writers of Tarapacá and Pennsylvania”
2013 Istanbul, Turkey
P.E.N. International Writers' Event, with Heather H. Thomas
2013 Rosario, Argentina
International Poetry Festival "Semana de las Letras y la Lectura"
2013 San Nicolas, Argentina
Circo Ambulante de Poesia
2012 Sarajevo & Travnik, Bosnia-Herzegovena
VIP - International Poetry Festival “Sarajevo Winter”
2011 Tetova, Macedonia
International Poetry Festival "Ditët e Naimet"
Awarded Laureateship of Festival
2006 Tetova, Macedonia
International Poetry Festival "Ditët e Naimet"
2005 Bucharest, Romania
Ovid International Poetry Festival
2004 Zagreb, Croatia
International P.E.N., "Literature Live Festival"
2004 Tetova, Macedonia
International Poetry Festival "Ditët e Naimet"
2004 Medellín & Bogota, Colombia
International Poetry Festival of Medellín
2003 Rosario, Argentina
Rosario International Poetry Festival
2003 Junin, Argentina
Junin Literary Festival
1999-2004 Druskininkai, Lithuania
International P.E.N. Poetry Autumn Festival
1999 Vilnius, Lithuania
Lithuanian Writers' Union Spring International Poetry Festival
1998 Monesterevan, Ireland
Gerard Manley Hopkins Poetry Festival
Fulbright Scholar & Fulbright Commission of Chile:
Fulbright Professor - Northern Chile, City of Iquique
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation:
Poetry Consultant to New Jersey High Schools (for 12 yrs)
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts:
Arts-in-Education Roster Artist (for 27 years)
Very Special Arts, Wilmington DE, USA:
VSA Delaware Roster Artist (14 years)
Tower Hill School, Wilmington DE, USA:
Poet-in-Residence (17 years)
The Maret School, Washington DC, USA:
Poet-in-Residence Lower, Middle, Upper Schools (8 years)
Albright College, Reading PA, USA:
Part Time Lecturer and Presenter (9 years)
PA Governor's School for Teaching:
Poetry Consultant, Millersville University
Scuola Secondario di I° Grado Giovanni XXIII, Soncino, Italy:
Visiting Poet-in-Residence
Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Galileo Galilei, Crema, Italy:
Special Programs, Annual Poet-in-Residence
British Council, Milan, Italy:
Teachers' Development Workshop Leader
Altigimimo H.S., Druskininkai, Lithuania:
Visiting Poet
Eminescu Nat'l College, Bucharest Romania:
Visiting Poet
Arlington Humantities Program, Arlington VA:
Visiting Poet to The Schools
New Jersey Council on the Arts:
Arts-in-Education Roster Artist
Delaware Division of the Arts:
Arts-in-Education Roster Artist
Central York High School, York PA, USA:
Teachers Artists Program - Full Semester Artist-In-Residence
Olean High School, Olean New York, USA:
Annual Poetry Workshops
Capitol School District, Dover DE, USA:
St. Joseph Prep School, Germantown PA, USA:
Visiting Poet
The Hill School of Middleburg VA, USA:
Visiting Poet
NE Intermediate Unit #19, Scranton PA, USA:
Living Arts Program - Artist-in-Residence (15 years)
West Perry School & Indian Valley Middle School,
Newport PA, USA: Residency - Perry Co. Council on the Arts
Marywood University, Scranton PA, USA:
Poetry Instructor, Creative Writing Summer Camp (3 years)
St. Bonaventure Univ., St. Bonaventure NY, USA:
Poetry Reading, English Department
Pennsylvania College English Association:
2015 Conference Panelist and Presenter
Loch Haven Univ., Loch Haven PA, USA:
EAPSU Conference Speaker
Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre PA, USA:
Visiting Poet, English Dept. and Featured Poetry Reading
Marywood University, Scranton PA, USA:
Visiting Poet
Kutztown University, Kutztown PA, USA:
Guest Lecturer, English Professional Writing Program
West Chester University, West Chester PA, USA:
Visiting Poet, Art Department
Penn State University, Reading PA, USA:
Berks-Lehigh Campus, Visiting Poet
Mansfield University, Mansfield PA, USA:
Visiting Poet, English Department
Misericordia University, Dallas PA, USA:
Visiting Poet, English Dept. and Featured Poetry Reading
Cultural Alliance of York, York PA, USA:
Poet-in-Residence at Children's Home of York, York County Prison, Upper Adams Elem. School, Central York H. S., York Day School
Fairfield Elem. School, New Cumberland PA, USA:
Digi-Poem, PowerPoint Poem Fusion & Photography Project
Our Lady of Fatima, Wilmington DE, USA:
Digi-Poem, PowerPoint Poem Fusion & Photography Project
Brookville Elem. School, Brookville PA, USA:
Goggleworks Community Arts Center, Reading PA, USA:
Poetry Workshops for Afterschool Students
Berks Arts Council, Reading PA, USA:
Coordinator for Young Authors Festival Workshop for Teachers
Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove PA, USA:
Summer Writers Conference for H.S. Students
Plus countless other schools, community centers, shelters, youth organizations, prisons, and universities in the US and abroad.
Grateful acknowledgements to the many organizations
who support the arts and who have made possible Craig's appearances and poetry projects all over the world.
The National Endowment for the Arts
Art Centre Pushkinskaya-10, Russia
Arts Council of Northern Ireland
Fulbright Commission Chile
Lithuanian Ministry of Education
P.E.N. International (Albania, Argentina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Chile, Croatia, Lithuania, Romania)
U.S. Cultural Embassy of Lithuania
U.S. Cultural Ministry of Macedonia
F. Lammot Belin Arts Scholarship
Keystone College, Cabot Oil & Gas, Countryside
Conservancy, North Branch Land Trust (partnership)
MBNA Bank of Delaware
NEIU #19 Living Arts & A.I.E. Program
New Jersey State Council on the Arts
Pennsylvania Council on the Arts
Pennsylvania Writing Project
Police Athletic League of Greater Berks County
and many PTA/PTOs, community civic and writers organizations